Tuesday, November 20, 2007

6 Million Toys Recalled and more on the way...

Japan will not allow products manufactured in China, enter their country unless they have been tested by Japanese inspectors on location in China.

Why doesn't the Department of Commerce initiate such rules on all American companies manufacturing their products in China ?

I thought it was great News yesterday when it was reported that Attorney General of the great State of California, Jerry Brown, filed a lawsuit on Monday against 20 companies for manufacturing or selling toys with "unlawful quantities of lead" in Children Toys . Some of the companies named - Mattel, KB Toys, Fisher Price , Wal-Mart, Toys R US & Target.

The lawsuit is based on "Proposition 65" passed in 1986 , and the penalty for not complying with "Proposition 65" is a mere $2500.00 / day.

It's a start , but I want to know what else in my house besides toys is laced by lead or other toxic substances.

In the age of "no accountability", I see a ray of hope that there are still some elected officials who are willing to do the right thing .

Is Children Toy Safety on your mind this Christmas Season?

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